Yup, my friend and I are gonna be there, sellin' our stuff. I made clay charms of the bacteria from Moyashimon. Here's an official pic of them: http://www.randomhouse.com/delrey/mang a/enewsletter/art/1108/Moyashimon_micr o-organisms.jpg
Here's the link to my clay charms: http://MidoriEyes.deviantart.com/art/A kon-20-Moyashimon-charms-123973894
Aren't they adorable? :D
Anyway, the small ones sell for $2, and the bigger ones sell for $3. Hope some of yall on here who are going to Akon will stop by, say hi, and perhaps buy one? That'd make my day. Also, if you say you know me on NG and buy one of my charms, I'll draw a free commission for you of whatever you want. I won't be doing it RIGHT then, but I'd send you a link of yer pic on dA once it's finished in the following days or weeks.
So come and check us out! We'll be in Section D, 1st floor, at a booth that's facing away from the main entrance. Her sign will say "MOE COMPLEX?! Soloplush on dA" since she's a moe anime artist.
See you there! <3